Rodin/Arp - Bouvier Raphael , Astrid von Asten

Автор: Bouvier Raphael , Astrid von Asten
Художник-иллюстратор: Ощепковых Эдгар
Научный редактор: Бозякин Агей
Кол-во страниц: 226
Формат - txt, fb2, epub, pdf
Год печати - 2021

Описание к книге: Rodin/Arp

For the first time in a museum exhibition and hence, in this catalogue the groundbreaking work of a great innovator of late nineteenth century sculpture encounters the influential work from a protagonist of twentieth century abstract sculpture: Auguste Rodin meets Jean Arp. Both artists are characterized by their unique artistic innovations and the joy of experimentation; both strongly influenced their eras and have lost nothing of their topicality to this day. As sculptural milestones, the creations of Rodin and Arp illustrate in a vivid and exemplary way fundamental aspects in the development of modern sculpture. Rodin's pioneering ideas and new artistic ideas for sculpture were taken up by Arp and fascinatingly developed, reinterpreted, or contrasted. Indeed, both oeuvres exhibit numerous artistic affinities and points of reference, which becomes a particularly revealing visual experience in this clever juxtaposition. Электронная книга Rodin/Arp.

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